Top 5 WoW BFA Hunter Pets

One of the most amazing things about playing as a Hunter on World of Warcraft is taming various wild creatures. It’s been a while since the concept of having your own pet came out on this platform, and now, with the addition of Battle for Azeroth, you have more options to choose from. That’s the primary reason why we had made the decision to publish this article and bring to light, the top 5 WoW Hunter Pets.

Since the changes that were implemented by Blizzard in the Battle for Azeroth, numerous new pet families and models were introduced onto the platform. This also leads to confusion among players, because it’s hard to figure out which pet is best suited for their respective spec. However, you don’t have to worry about that, because we’re here to guide you through. Have a good read!

Top Five Hunter Pets Talent Specializations (Survival & Marksmanship)

The following list is a balance between both; PVE and PVP pet families.

Scalehide Family – Ankylodon Bull

Pet specialization: Ferocity, Primary use: PVE, Pet family special ability: Scale Shield, Specialization abilities (Ferocity): Predator’s Thirst, Primal Rage.

This Hunter pet was introduced in the Legion, and it is a part of the Scalehide pet family. You can locate and tame it in ZUldazar, which is located on the Zandalar continent. Ankylodon Bull is brilliant for tank use, and with the assistance of its abilities, you can easily gain success in solo quests.

Crane Family – Patrannache

Pet specialization: Tenacity, Primary use: PVE, Pet family special ability: Trick, Chi-Ji’s Tranquility, Specialization abilities (Tenacity): Endurance Training, Survival of the Fittest.

Anther PVE-based wow hunter pets, but it is used for a different purpose. Being a part of the Crane Family, the pet was first introduced at the time of the MOP expansion. You can locate this wow hunter pet in the Valley of the Four Winds, which is in Pandaria. Using Patrannache can be beneficial for most of the dungeons, as well as raids.

Bird of Prey Family – Aotona

Pet specialization: Cunning, Primary use: PVP, Pet family special ability: Trick, Talon Rend, Specialization abilities (Cunning): Pathfinding, Master’s Call.

Since the release of WoW Classic, these birds-like pets have been part of the platform. You can find them in Aotona, which is located in the Sholazar Basin (Northrend Region. It is known for its extra swift movements and PVP-Friendly abilities, which makes it a great option for players who prefer PVP-related battles. Players who are of the Highmountain Taren Hunter class will get this pet from the Bird of Prey Family by default.

Raptor Family – Gurubashi Riding Raptor

Pet specialization: Cunning, Primary use: PVP, Pet family special ability: Savage Rend, Specialization abilities (Cunning): Pathfinding, Master’s Call.

The Raptor Pet Family was also added alongside the Bat and Bird Pet Family when the Vanilla region was introduced. These wow best hunter pets can be located and tamed in the Kun-Lai Summit, which is located in Pandaria. What makes this pet useful during PVP battles is that it has a de-buff that is quite effective against healers in BGs or Arena matches.

Top Five Hunter Pets Talent Specializations (Beast Mastery)

Clefthoof Family – Reassigned Warbeast

Pet specialization: Ferocity, Primary use: PVE, Pet family special ability: Blood of the Rhino, Thick Hide, Specialization abilities (Ferocity): Predator’s Thirst, Primal Rage.

A superb tanking Hunter wow hunter pets that are the best choice for any player using a Mastery Talent Spec. With the help of its additional added healing and armor capabilities, you can use Reassigned Warbeast as your companion throughout the regions of the World Of Warcraft. You can locate and tame it in the Tanaan Jungle, which is located in Draenor.

Raptor Family – Queenfeather

Pet specialization: Cunning, Primary use: PVP, Pet family special ability: Savage Rend, Specialization abilities (Cunning): Master’s Call, Pathfinding.

Moving back to the PVP scenarios, Queenfeather Pet would be a perfect choice for this spec world of warcraft hunter pets. The reason is that it provides extra speed, while at the same time, helps you to render off the enemies with debuffs. You can come across this beast in Zuldazar, which is located in the Zandalar region.

Spirit Beast Family – Loque’nahak

Pet specialization: Tenacity, Primary use: PVE, Pet family special ability: Spirit Walk, Spirit Shock, Spirit Mend, Specialization abilities (Tenacity): Endurance Training, Survival of the Fittest.

One of the best healing CDs, which also has the ability to remove 1 Magic and Enrage effect from the opponent. It is a genuine pet that can be used to clear dungeons easily, and you can find it in Zul’Drak, which is located in the Northrend regions.

Silithid Family – Silithid Sentinel

Pet specialization: Cunning, Primary use: PVP, Pet family special ability: Dune Strider, Tendon Rip, Specialization abilities (Cunning): Master’s Call, Pathfinding.

A stellar world of warcraft hunter pets for PVP that has the ability to boost movement speed and cast 50% slow on enemies. It is also of good use in PVE scenarios, thanks to the DPS-based nature of the cunning specialization. Speaking in terms of where you can locate it, Silithid Sentinels are found in Silithus, which is located in Kalimdor.

Both; Survival & Marksmanship and Beast Mastery

Bat Family – Groyat, The Blind Hunter

Pet specialization: Ferocity, Primary use: PVE, Pet family special ability: Sonic Blast, Specialization abilities (Ferocity): Predator’s Thirst, Primal Rage.

Being a part of the Bat-Family, which has been introduced on this platform from way before, you can find it wandering around within the Razorfen Kraul Dungeon, which is located in Barrens. It is most effective during certain PVE scenarios, for instance when you are required to use Purge or Blood Lust abilities in a dungeon or raid.